​Education through the Erasmus+ Program

From February 27, 2023, to July 14, 2023, Alina Sheveleva, a fourth-year student, participated in the Erasmus+ program at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.

During her time there, she was enrolled in the Faculty of History, specifically within the Department of Archival Studies. Alina Sheveleva attended various courses, including "Auxiliary Sciences of Contemporary and Late Modern History and Archivism," "Foreign Language Translation for Archivists and Records Managers," and "Master's Thesis Seminar." She also prepared a scientific work on the topic "Podstawy prawne uznawania stopni i tytułów naukowych między Ukrainą a Polską" (Legal Basis for the Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles between Ukraine and Poland).

In addition to her coursework, Alina Sheveleva successfully completed an archival practice and participated in an archival tour, which provided her with insights into the operations of archives in cities such as Kraków, Tarnów, Kielce, and Zakopane.