​Working meeting of the head of the Department, Sergiy Posokhov, with the head of the Archives Department of the Kharkiv City Council, Tetiana Varzhainova

On February 21, 2024, a working meeting took place between the head of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies, and Archaeology, Professor Sergiy Posokhov, and the head of the Archives Department of the Kharkiv City Council, Tetiana Varzhainova.

The task of the Archives Department of the Kharkiv City Council is to ensure the proper preservation of documents of the National Archival Fund of Ukraine with local significance and to manage archival affairs and record-keeping within the city. This includes overseeing the preservation and organization of documents of the National Archival Fund and record-keeping in the bodies of local self-government, municipal enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the city. The issuance of archival certificates, copies, and extracts from documents kept in the Archives Department to individuals and legal entities in accordance with established procedures. Acceptance for storage of documents of the National Archival Fund from the bodies of local self-government, municipal enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the city.

For more information about the Archives Department of the Kharkiv City Council: https://www.city.kharkiv.ua/uk/gorodskaya-vlast/ispolnitelnyie-organyi/departamentyi/arxvnij-vddl-xarkvsko-msko-radi.html