​Creative meeting with Valentyna Dmytrivna Kholodok

On March 20, 2024, in the format of an art historians' club meeting, a creative meeting with the director of the Kharkiv Organizational and Methodological Tourism Center, Valentyna Dmytrivna Kholodok, took place. She acquainted the attendees with the latest developments in the tourism industry. Participants of the meeting showed keen interest in the work of the organizational and methodological tourism center, which, despite all the challenges and obstacles of the present, actively promotes the development of the tourism sector, the creation of innovative routes, and the support and enhancement of tourism activities in the city of Kharkiv and the initiatives of the regional communities. History students familiarized themselves with the prospects of development in the tourism industry, including the development of new tourist routes related to art historical themes.

The club members express gratitude to Valentyna Dmytrivna for her optimism and wish her success in leading the Center towards inspiring achievements in the development of the tourism sector of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region.