Greetings on the Day of Archivists!

Presentation for the Day of Archivists

On December 24, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Archivists. This professional holiday honors those who have dedicated their lives to the noble work of preserving the documentary heritage of humanity. Archivists ensure access to valuable historical sources, thereby not only helping to uncover the mysteries of past eras but also contributing to the planning of society’s future development.

The Department of Historiography, Source Studies, and Archaeology maintains close connections with archival institutions at central, local, and departmental levels, both state- and municipally-owned. We take pride in the fact that many of our graduates carry the honorable title of archivist with distinction.

Dear colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday. We wish you creative inspiration and well-deserved recognition for your noble work. May every archival document find its devoted guardian and grateful user!