Meeting of the students club of historiography, source studies and special historical disciplines on the topic "History is the path to a dream"

On November 28, 2022, a meeting of the students club of historiography, source studies and special historical disciplines on the topic "History is the path to a dream" was held. Andrii Komarov and Danylo Zavirukha made report "The experience of implementing the material culture of the Middle Ages", Valeria Riadynska - "Back in time: historical photography", Volodymyr Andriushchenko - "Historian in public activity". Interestingly, all the stories began with the history of childhood hobbies of our speakers. Then these hobbies led them to the Faculty of History, and later found the way of realization in specific projects - the manufacture of armor in a real smithy (A. Komarov, D. Zavirukha), attempts to tell the story of real historical figures through photo images (V. Ryadynska), as well as the use of knowledge of the history of Vovchansk to unite people and implement real social projects in the city (V. Andriushchenko).