Meeting of the Student Scientific Archaeology Club

On October 13, 2020, the first meeting of the student scientific Archaeology Club dedicated to the presentation of the findings of the Bilsk Archaeological Expedition of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University under the leadership of Ph.D., director of the Museum of Archeology and curator of our circle Irina Shramko took place.

The group had the opportunity to get acquainted with the artifacts of Scythian culture, from the mounds of the Skorobir necropolis (near the Bilsk, Poltava region), discovered during the autumn field trip of the expedition. Iryna Borysivna's fascinating story about the specifics of the study of mounds and the most interesting findings aroused sincere interest and lively discussion among students of history.
We truly thank Iryna Borysivna Shramko for an interesting lecture and invite everyone to join our travels in the ancient history of mankind!