Participation in the round table on issues of war commemoration in the urban space of Kharkiv

On May 25, 2023, the round table "Memorial Sites of the Russo-Ukrainian War in Kharkiv: Documentation, Memorialization, Visits" was held in Kharkiv. It was organized by the Platform of Memory Culture "Past / Future / Art", Kharkiv City Council, and State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine.

The round table included three panels: "Architecture of short-term and long-term steps for the representation of the memory of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the public space of Kharkiv", "Identification of stakeholders for working with the memory of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the public space of Kharkiv", "Model of state-public collaboration in the commemoration of the Russo-Ukrainian War in Kharkiv."

The head of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies, and Archeology, Prof. S.I.Posokhov and deputy director of the Academician P.T.Tronko Center for Ukrainian Studies and Local Studies, PhD in History O.I.Vovk, experts in the field of museum studies, art exhibition, heritage studies, architecture, media, tourism, and other related fields joined the discussion.