Ivashchenko Viktoriia

Ivashchenko Viktoriia
Candidate of History, Senior Lecturer

Ivashchenko Viktoriia
Candidate of History, Senior Lecturer

Curriculum Vitae

Higher and postgraduate education

  • Candidate of History, School of History, Dnepropertovsk National University, Ukraine (2004)
  • Master of Arts, School of History, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine (1998)

Employment history

  • Museum of History, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Director, 2013–until now
  • School of History, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Deputy Dean, 2010–2013
  • School of History, V.N. Karazin KharkivNational University Lecturer, 2005–until now
  • Middle School №18, Kharkiv Teacher, 1998–1999

Teaching experience


  • Undergraduate courses delivered at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University:
    • 2011- until now
      • Special Historical Disciplines, 50 lectures, 2nd year, 60 students.
    • 2008-until now
      • Methodology of teaching history at school, 50 lectures, 4th year, 60 students.
    • 2005-until now
      • Oral history: theory and practice, 36 lectures, 3th year, 10 students.
      • Teaching internship, 2 weeks, 4th year, 60 students.
  • Graduate courses delivered at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University:
    • 2007- until now
      • Management problems of archival business , 40 lectures, 5 th year, 10 students
    • 2005-until now
      • Clerical work, 40 lectures, 5 th year, 10 students.
    • 2011-2013
      • Higher school and the Bologna process , 12 lectures, 5 th year, 55 students.
      • Teaching internship , 8 weeks, 5th year, 60 students.

Academic interests

Memoirs, history of universities, history of Kharkiv region, oral history, gender history, museum management studies.

Academic publications and professional memberships

  • 110 academic publications
  • Honorary member of National Union of Local Lore Researchers of Ukraine (2005)

Fellowships, scholarships, awards and research grants obtained

  • International research project «Ubi universitas – Ibi Europa. Transfer and adaptation of university ideas in the Russian Empire of the second half of the 18th – first half of the 19th century» (2008 – 2010; Gerda Henkel Stiftung (AZ 02/SR/08))
  • German Historical Institute in Moscow Scholarship (2007)
  • National Union of Local Lore Researchers of Ukraine Award (2005)


Ukrainian, Russian, English